Class Selections 2017-2018

During the 2016-2017 season, we are offering the following classes:

First Hour Classes

Use these guidelines from our chapter to help determine what class level fits your needs the best. If you have any questions, please contact the instructors. If you're new, you can contact them through our informational email, 


Teacher TBA

Do you know someone who might enjoy learning how to play the recorder? We strive to work with beginners in a stress-free environment that can be very rewarding to someone embarking on this new musical adventure. Learn a few fundamental notes and you’ll be playing simple melodies relatively soon. Knowing how to read music is not required, since for those persons who do not read music, we can help them start from step one. You also help our Chapter towards building our membership. Bring a friend!

INTERMEDIATE - Bring out those Rooda Books!

John and DeeDee Heyer

Our goal in this class is to become more comfortable with our recorders and gain more enjoyment from playing. By working on technical exercises we will become more familiar with higher notes and improve fingering fluency, tone production and rhythmic confidence. Playing Duet and Trio music will help us learn to listen to ourselves and adjust to others as we make music together. The class also provides an opportunity to learn the second recorder fingering and/or develop skill on a recorder of a different size.

HIGH INTERMEDIATE - Learn by Doing / Learn by Playing!

Stan Gross

We'll enjoy playing music from medieval times to the present while simultaneously addressing the technical challenges and musical aspects. Open to anyone who plays SAT recorders or agrees to learn them. Larger recorders heartily welcomed! Home practice required. Specific topics will be tailored to class interest and need.

ADVANCED - Technique with a Capital T

Neil Seely

Advance from playing notes to making music with your recorder. Focus will be on good sound, articulations, learning all the notes and how these factors plus others, can make your playing more satisfying to the ear. Solo performance of assigned exercises will be required.

ADVANCED - Tricky Rhythms

Marian Henry

Advanced playing, with a focus on unusual rhythm, ensemble playing, and maintaining tempo. Must be comfortable with SATB. Some home practice will be expected.

Second Hour Classes


Neil Seely

Sample some of the many interesting and challenging pieces that have been written since the time of Bach. The arrangements for recorders give us the opportunity to enjoy new key signatures, harmonies, and exciting rhythms not found in earlier music.

SATB required. Limit 8.


Mario Errico

We will explore various styles and composers of the Baroque era, including Fugues by Bach and brief excursions to some modern arrangements (read, Charlton).

Minimum session size: 4


Pat Hanley and Tod Romo

Hang on to your hemiolas, because we will be exploring two centuries of Renaissance music, but with an emphasis on playing it at 8’-pitch (soprano becomes tenor, alto becomes bass, etc). So bring out your big recorders; the bigger the better! Participants are encouraged to bring in music of interest, particularly pieces that can be played low. You will need to be able to play at least a tenor (or larger) instrument.


Stan Gross

The "sky's the limit" in this playing session! Any and all music from the sublime to the ridiculous are fair game! Music will be chosen for soprano, alto and tenor recorders with opportunity provided to learn the alternative C or F fingered instrument. Larger instruments are always welcome! I'll have plenty of interesting stuff on-hand but you are also invited - encouraged! - to bring and share your own gems with us.  

Minimum session size: 4

Additional Playing Opportunities


Pat Hanley, Liz Seely

We will be offering Sight Reading Class on the first and third Tuesdays of the month, opposite the regular chapter meetings on the second and fourth Tuesdays. Note that there is no Sight Reading class on fifth Tuesdays unless otherwise notified.

The Outreach Players will sometimes rehearse in this time slot to prepare for their community performances at farmer's markets, nursing homes and schools. Please talk with Liz if you are interested in joining this group.



Many of our players have formed consorts and other small groups who play together. If you are looking for more playing opportunities, just ask!